25 January 2006

Write, right?

The boys are down, hopefully for the night. We spent the afternoon with Grandpa Buffalo (my dad), and they should be tuckered out.

On Monday, the missus transitioned from part-time to full-time at her new job, leaving the boys and dad with much more time together. I am attempting to feel my way to a new schedule that will work for all of us.

How does anyone balance the endless household chores, while supporting my two new people as the explore this great big world, a marriage, two jobs between us, reading, writing, trying to sell the house as well, am I missing anything? The decision to read or write in my free time looms. When I do write, do I fill up space on the blog or work on something more serious? Somewhere here is a happy medium. I work weekends so on Mondays I like to catch up the kitchen chores and start laundry. Perhaps I can read and write on alternating days. All of us this will become easier (right, right?) as the boys age and become more independent.

Tomorrow we get to put new tires on the Family Truckster, there goes an afternoon and $500 down the drain. The workweek begins anew Friday.

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